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E-Patients, Health Information and Your Surgical Practice

The Internet has changed our lives, and is changing everything we are touch.  Healthcare is no different, and undoubtedly you've seen a rise of patients in your surgical practice self-diagnosing or quoting treatment ideas from Wikipedia, bloggers, and WebMD.   They are also using social media to accelerate referrals, sharing questions concerns and outcomes with their friends and peers.  The bad news is that isn't a fad and isn't going away, self-educating has become normal for everyone as they think about their own health.

In 60 Seconds, Digital strategy, India, Instagram, Internet, LinkedIn, Inbound Marketing, Pharmaceutical industry, SlideShare, Social media marketing, Surgical Groups, YouTube

Home Builder Advertising: Are Your Ads Working?

When advertising for your home building business, one of the most important questions you can ask is whether or not your ads are effective. If your ads are not bringing in viable leads, your business is not earning a return on your advertising investment. In order to determine whether or not your ads are working for your business, there are a few questions you can ask.

In Advertising, Advertising Age, Digital marketing, Digital Marketing, Google, Home Builders, Online advertising, PageRank, Search engine optimization, Social Media, Social media marketing, United States, Web banner

Upcoming Social Media & Digital Marketing Classes in Knoxville March Edition

As I mentioned on the blog before, digital marketing and social media classes are one of the three ways we help businesses at Baker Labs (the other two are Contracting and Coaching). Classes normally have a few students, and in the three hours of class we cover the basics of social media and digital marketing.  Students leave with actionable help on getting started, or taking their next digital steps, and I always learn about an interesting business!

In Classes, Digital Marketing, LinkedIn, Business, Business development, Competitive advantage, Facebook, Google, Marketing, Social media, Social media marketing, Twitter

Upcoming Social Media & Digital Marketing Classes in Knoxville

Digital marketing and social media classes are one of the three ways we help businesses at Baker Labs (the other two are Contracting and Coaching). Classes cover the basics of social media and digital marketing, topics like: Facebook, Twitter, Social media strategy, blogging and email marketing and over the last few years I've taught many of the University of Tennessee Professional and Non-Credit classes for the Social Media Certificate.   I've enjoyed getting to meet so many people and so many great stories! From sushi chefs to corporate employees, these classes are full of interesting people! Classes are three hours long and are usually from 5-10 students.

In Classes, Digital marketing, digital marketing classes, Business, Email marketing, Facebook, Google Docs, Social Media, Social media, social media classes, Social media marketing, Twitter