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How to Market to the Self-Educated Homeowner in 2 Easy Steps

Today’s technology allows us to access important information almost instantly. When your customers realize they have a problem, the first thing they do is conduct an online search to solve it (i.e. how to fix cracking drywall, repair a dripping faucet, choose interior flooring, etc.). The availability of quality information combined with its speed of access has evolved your buyers into a more knowledgeable audience.

In Blogging, Advertising, community forums, Digital Marketing, content, customer relations, Home Builders, Houzz, Inbound Marketing, Marketing, profit, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

Inbound Marketing Strategy for Surgical Practices Explained

Welcome to the world of inbound marketing! Chances are you’ve realized that the traditional methods of marketing aren’t working quite as well as they used to. If you’re wondering why, think about why you don’t recommend radiated water, leeches, or bloodletting (yikes!) as treatment options for your ailing patients. As times change, medicine changes, and people and their preferences change as well. The technological advancements that have been made over the past few years have caused these changes to happen more quickly, making “keeping up with the times” difficult, yet an absolute must for all practices who strive to stay cutting edge.

In Digital Marketing, customer relations, email newsletter, Facebook, Inbound Marketing, premium content offer, Social media, Surgical Groups, technology, Twitter

Why Every Homebuilder Needs a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

Times are changing. According to Patrick Cox, co-editor of Technology Profits Confidential, “There has been more technological improvement in the last 50 years than in the previous 5,000 (The Lightning-Fast Pace of Technological Advancement). The technological advancements (such as smart phones, tablets, and numerous opportunities for unlimited Internet access) that have been made over the past few years have started a revolution in the business world.

In Digital Marketing, lead generation, customer relations, Customer retention, Home Builders, Houzz, Inbound Marketing, marketing strategy, new clients, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

3 Ways to Build Better Customer Relationships with Houzz

A strong social media presence is imperative to a successful home builder inbound marketing strategy. Houzz, a social network for home design, was established in 2009 to allow home builders, renovators, and designers to actively interact with people interested in improving the overall look of their home or business. With more than 25 million monthly users, Houzz is the popular hang out for your clients and your future clients and it’s where you should be too. Houzz is often the first step users make when considering updating their home, because it is an idea generator. Houzz users can create ideabooks for future remodels, search for design inpiration, and read articles on new products and current trends. Houzz also allows professionals to showcase their completed projects, which users can share with family and friends, and then contact the contractor directly for an estimate, with just a touch of a button.

In communication, Digital Marketing, interior design, customer relations, Home Builders, home renovators, Houzz, Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Social Networking

How to Choose Between Buying Ads or Creating Captivating Content

As a homebuilder, you can agree that a good marketing strategy is crucial to the growth of a company. With the constant changes in technology providing so many marketing options, it is often difficult to decide what kind of marketing strategy to utilize when you want to attract more potential customers for new homes or remodeling or build confidence with the ones you have. The first step in deciding what marketing strategy will work best for you is to determine your goals. What do you want your marketing strategy to accomplish?

In Advertising, Digital Marketing, content-based marketing, customer relations, Home Builders, Inbound Marketing, marketing strategy, quality leads, Social Media, target audience

Inbound Marketing Strategy for Home Builders

Home builders: Welcome to the world of inbound marketing!

In Digital Marketing, converting leads, customer relations, Home Builders, Inbound Marketing, inbound marketing strategy, new clients, Social Media, technology