Digital marketing and social media classes are one of the three ways we help businesses at Baker Labs (the other two are Contracting and Coaching). Classes cover the basics of social media and digital marketing, topics like: Facebook, Twitter, Social media strategy, blogging and email marketing and over the last few years I've taught many of the University of Tennessee Professional and Non-Credit classes for the Social Media Certificate. I've enjoyed getting to meet so many people and so many great stories! From sushi chefs to corporate employees, these classes are full of interesting people! Classes are three hours long and are usually from 5-10 students.
Upcoming Social Media and Digital Marketing Classes at the University of Tennessee
2/15/13 - Google Docs
Google Docs allows you to design presentations, write documents and build spreadsheets all inside your browser, all in the cloud. Come learn how to get started in utilizing Google Docs in your organization.
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2/19/13 - Getting Started with Facebook and Twitter
If the old adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is true, then the more people you know, the better. Learn fast, easy ways to engage your audience to drive business results using these indispensable business tools.
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3/19/13 - Email Marketing
Do you want to connect with your customers, increase your profits and build your business? The, you need to be using e-mail marketing. Did you know that email marketing has an average return of $42 for every dollar spent? This course teaches you e-mail marketing strategy and gives you tips on how to get started.
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